Fair Work Law
Kidd’s Fair Work Law and Annotated Act (including WHS Law) provides wide coverage of Fair Work Commission decisions with a special focus on unfair dismissal and redundancy law. It also covers FCA & FCCA decisions and state court decisions related to C’th Work Health and Safety law. This annotated Fair Work Act (plus related legislation) and general workplace relations legal resource will save users real time and money, and will be a valuable addition to the library of anyone dealing with industrial relations and work health and safety issues.
Motor and Traffic Law
Kidd’s Traffic Law includes a wide coverage of Australian motor and traffic law cases with a special focus on liability, apportionment and sentencing. The publication is comprehensively indexed allowing users to find cases of relevance for a given motor accident or motor offence scenario in seconds.
Personal Injury Law
Kidd’s Damages Australia (Personal Injury and Defamation) is an efficient, practical and value for money legal research tool that allows users to quickly research the precedents and principles for assessing personal injury damages in Australia. It provides assessment summaries by injury for all states and territories and it annotates legislation state by state.Industrial and OHS Law
Commonwealth & South Australian Industrial & OHS Law has been used by South Australian Lawyers and industrial advocates for about 25 years and saves real time and money by allowing them to find relevant precedents quickly and easily. The publication is the premier source of comparative sentencing cases for Occupational Health and Safety breaches in South Australia.
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